4 Fireplace Trends For 2022/2023

Fire has always been a part of our culture, from huddling around cooking fires to hosting elegant gatherings in front of electric fireplaces. With fall just around the corner, before you know it, winter will be here! As you continue spending more time at home during those cold days with cozy flames, new technologies and designs are coming out every day that make them even easier than ever before! Here are 4 of the hottest trends you should know about for 2022/2023.

Cultured & Natural Stone

“When it comes to the fireplace, there are plenty of options, including but not limited to, tile, concrete, cultured and natural stone to name a few.

What’s not to love about a mantlepiece made of beautiful, natural stone? With so many different stones and structures available for this type or decorating idea it is hard not find something that will suit your personal taste.

Clean & Simple

Minimalist simplicity is the trend of 2022, so clean finish fireplaces are in high demand.

Instead of bulky stone hearths, homeowners want their fireplace to be simple with natural and neutral finishing materials that highlight flames that seamlessly integrate with the overall house.

Space Saver Fireplaces

The desire for a fire in the hearth remains strong, regardless of the size of the home.

Smaller footprint fireplace options like masonry units and gas logs offer homeowners with limited space efficient solutions to warmth up their homes when they need it most – especially during those cold winter months!

Open-Space Concept Layouts

The see-through fireplaces are a great way to divide spaces and add warmth.

People are now spending more time at their homes, even working from them! And as a result, they’ve lost touch with open space layouts that favor walls versus divides like fireplaces or windows for example . The solution? Use these see-through flames to separate different areas within one room without taking away from its natural beauty.

It will not only help you organize, but also add warmth because who doesn’t love looking through flame when relaxing by themselves?!

Ready To Upgrade Your Fireplace? Talk To Turn Key Remodel!

Turn Key Remodel designs and installs fireplaces as an integral part of your home, working closely with you to create a space that is personalized just the way YOU want it. We work on everything from type selection all throughout installation process.

Our goal? To make sure this project stands out in YOUR story so much more than anything else could have ever done before; because when families share their stories together around a fireplace, there’s nothing more rewarding.

Schedule a free consultation with Turn Key Remodel today!